
18 Surprising Ways to Reduce Security Risks for Your Business

There are so many things that you have to worry about when you own a business, from hiring the best staff for each role to ensuring that you always have enough stock ready to meet demand, that you do not want to have to be constantly worrying about security threats toy oru cm,pany too.

The good news is, although there has arguably never been a bigger threat to the average business, due in large part (but not only) to cybersecurity issues, there are a number of very simple, and often surprising, things you can do to reduce security risks, keep your business safe and give yourself enough peace of mind that you don’t have to devote all of your headspace to it anymore.

Sound good? Check out these X surprising ways to reduce security risks for your business right now.

1. ‘Honey Pot’ Decoys for Cybersecurity

In the digital world, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Set up ‘honey pots’ – decoy systems designed to lure in and trap hackers. It’s like setting up a fake vault in a bank while the real gold is safely tucked away elsewhere. This strategy can help you identify vulnerabilities and monitor hacker methods.

2. Quirky Password Policies

Encourage employees to create passwords based on random, fun facts or inside jokes. The logic? These passwords are not only harder to crack but also more enjoyable to remember. It’s like turning password creation into a mini-game of trivia.

3. Randomized Security Drills

Just like fire drills, have random security drills for various scenarios – cyber attacks, physical break-ins, or even internal threats. Keep them unpredictable and engaging. Maybe throw in a role-play scenario where Dave from accounting gets to play the master spy. This may sound like overkill, but it really keeps everyone on their toes and prepared.

4. Embrace the JavaScript DOCX Editor

Starting in the digital realm, let’s talk about document security. Gone are the days when confidential files were locked in a dusty old filing cabinet. The best docx editor is a neat tool that not only allows you to edit and collaborate on documents in real-time but also offers enhanced security features.  Think encryption, password protection, and permission controls. It’s like having a secret agent guarding your docs, only, I must admit, a much less exciting version!

5. The Art of ‘Feng Shui’ Security

Yes, you read that right. Arrange your physical workspace in a way that naturally enhances security. This could mean designing open and visible work areas, strategic placement of mirrors to eliminate blind spots, or even using indoor plants as natural barriers because, yes, interior decor and greater business security really do go hand in hand.

6. Hire a Hacker

This might sound really odd to you because, obviously, you want to avoid hackers when you are trying to protect your business from the many cybersecurity threats we are currently facing, but that only applies to bad hackers! There are lots of good hackers, known as ‘white hats,’ who can actually help you to protect your business by hacking into your systems in an ethical way and reporting back/fixing any weaknesses so that other cyber experts cannot gain access and steal your data or worse.

7. Install a Fake Security Guard

Okay, so having a real security guard on board would be the ideal, but if you are a small business that simply does not have the budget for that, you can still help to deter would-be thieves from your company by installing a fake security guard in the form of a well-dressed mannequin. Many people on casually glancing will think there is a real security guard in the building (especially at night) and give any less-than-legal activities a swerve, thus keeping your business safe. It doesn’t sound like it would work, but you would be surprised!

8. The Undercover Customer

This one’s for the brick-and-mortar folks. Once in a while, it’s a really good idea to go incognito as a customer in your own store. You’ll gain insights into potential security lapses and employee behavior you’d never see otherwise, which will help you to offer them better training or to bolster your current security detail so that it is actually effective. Plus, it’s a great way to understand your customer experience firsthand, which is a nice little bonus!

9. Don’t Open Emails

This might sound a little extreme, especially if you are a company that sends a lot of emails to one another in the course of the working day, but banning emails inside the building can be a great way to boost security because it means people will not be opening dodgy attachments filled with viruses when connected to your network. Instead, use a secure messaging system for all of your work-based communications and you will find that those cyber risks reduce significantly.

10. Cultural Sensitivity Training

In our diverse world, understanding cultural nuances is crucial, especially when it comes to security. Train your team to recognize and respect different behaviors and norms. It’s not just about being politically correct; it’s about creating a safer, more inclusive environment for everyone, and one where staff can spot if people are behaving oddly or realize that it is just the way people in a given culture act, which will help prevent misunderstandings, while still enabling staff to act if a security risk may actually be present.

11. Gamify Your Security Training

Who said training has to be boring? Turn it into a game! Create challenges, leaderboards, and rewards for your team as they learn about different security protocols. It’s an engaging way to ensure everyone’s up to speed and having fun in the process.

12. Social Media Savvy

In the age of oversharing, you are going to want to train your team to be smart about social media. A casual tweet or Instagram post can reveal a lot more than intended. Implement guidelines and training sessions to keep your business’s and employees’ information safe from prying eyes.

13. The Art of Misdirection

Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense. Use misdirection in your security tactics. This could mean setting up dummy accounts, fake data, or even false leads in your physical stores. It’s about keeping potential threats guessing and off the real trail. Obviously, you just need to make sure that any staff do know how to find the real stuff they need to do their jobs efficiently or this could just get very confusing and zap the productivity out of your business.

14. Pet Patrol

Yes, you read that right. If your workplace allows for it, you should totally encourage employees to bring their pets. Dogs, especially, can be a great deterrent for physical security threats. Plus, who doesn’t love a furry friend around the office? And, what’s more, it has been shown in numerous studies that having their pets at work can help to boost the productivity of office employees, which is just another neat incentive to consider letting those balls of fluff into the workplace.

15. Community Engagement

Not only is community engagement, such as donating funds to local shelters or sports teams, or attending local fayres, good for boosting your business profile, it could also help you with security too. You see, when you are engaged with the community and everyone knows and loves your business, they are more likely to alert you if they see suspicious activity in or outside of your place of business, so you can act fast to stop any threats. It really is that simple.

16. The Illusion of Surveillance

Cameras are great, but they can be pricey. Why not install a few fake ones? The mere presence of a camera (real or not) can deter theft or misconduct. It’s like having a scarecrow, but for security.

17. Social Engineering Training

In the era of phishing scams, you really do need to train your team to spot social engineering attempts. Host workshops or interactive sessions where employees learn to question suspicious emails or calls immediately, and you can stop any scams from taking your business down before they even get started.

18. Community Watch Programs

You may also want to engage with other local businesses to create a community watch program between you all. You can use this group to share information, keep an eye out for each other, and maybe even host joint security workshops. There’s strength in numbers, and the more businesses who join, the easier it will be to avoid any breaches.

As you can see, there are some surprisingly simple things you can do to ensure that your business is as safe as it can possibly be from a wide range of threats from intruders to cyberhackers, so it makes sense to implement as many of them as you can as soon as you can, so that you can focus on all of those important tasks like hiring and product development, that actually help to boost your bottom line. Good luck and stay safe.

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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