
8 Ways Essential Oils Can Help Improve a Tantric Massage Experience

Tantric massage is a highly sensual experience, offering an array of wonderful benefits for participants. Many people exploring tantric body massage use essential oils to help to enhance the arousal of sexual energy so that it can be consciously moved around the body, particularly to erogenous zones for lingam massage or yoni massage.  Essential oils are a concentrated liquid component, extracted from plants and are widely used for their therapeutic benefits. So, what are the best essential oils for tantric massage and how do they improve this stimulating experience?

They elevate sexual energy

Many essential oils for tantra help to increase sexual energy. One of the best essential oils for tantric massage is ylang-ylang as it’s a powerful aphrodisiac that inspires playfulness and freedom. Use it daily on the heart chakra or place it within a room diffuser to enhance sensuality.

They create the right mood

An essential oil like geranium oil offers enhancement of love and happiness. These types of erotic massage oils are great for getting you in the right mood for tantric massage, especially if you’re exploring this practice with a partner. Geranium massage oil boosts connection and self-love, helping to improve your body confidence in the bedroom.

They aid relaxation

Lavender essential oils help to alleviate anxiety, promoting relaxation and calm. This means you can enjoy an erotic massage while being able to express yourself sexually. You can even mix lavender with wild orange oil to create a sexually enjoyable experience for both you and a partner.

They aid creativity in the bedroom

Clarity sage oil is perfect for boosting creativity in the bedroom. It also helps to reduce your inhibitions so you can explore tantric massage with the freedom to experience all the mesmerising possibilities. You can also mix clarity sage with coconut oil to make your skin feel extra silky and soft after massage.

They help to unblock sexual energy

If you’re suffering from a blockage of sexual energy or sexual frustration, then try using wild orange oil. This essential oil is uplifting, giving you a boost of abundance and creativity. Try taking a steamy bath or shower with your partner before your tantric massage. Use coconut oil as a base oil and add a few drops of wild orange. This will help you to connect with your body and partner, as well as providing a sensual experience.

They aid in healing

White fir oil blends are known for their healing properties, helping to alleviate beliefs that are preventing you from moving forwards sexually. Opt for a blend of white fir and ylang ylang to uplift your spirit, enhancing your libido.

They fuel a romantic ambience

If you’re in a relationship and want to explore tantric massage with your partner, rose oil may be the ideal essential oil for you. This oil is famous for its ability to aid the heart chakra, creating a romantic, loving ambience. This soothing oil can be applied to the chest area or blended with apricot kernel oil for sensitive skin types. Apricot kernel oil is easily absorbed so if you prefer less greasy massage oils, just add a few drops of rose to an apricot kernel carrier oil.

They aid spirituality

As tantric massage is a spiritual practice, helping to connect with yourself on a deeper level, using an essential oil, such as sandalwood, can help to open your chakras. Sandalwood is a popular choice of oil for many tantric massage therapists, especially as it can evoke desire and invite a meditative state. You may use a blend of sandalwood and sweet almond oils if you want to improve the condition of your skin during massage. Sweet almond oil is suitable for all skin types so it will leave you feeling soft and silky after your tantric massage session. Additionally, you can mix sandalwood with lavender to boost relaxation.

Start using some of these brilliant essential oils for tantra massage

Now you’re aware of the best essential oils for tantric massage, you can begin to incorporate them into your tantra practice. You’ll start to experience the mind-blowing benefits of using essential oils in a tantric massage, including boosting arousal to provide an explosive, sensual massage you’ll remember for a long time!

About the author:

Erica Suarez-Hillingdon is a sex therapist and expert on everything related to tantra, tantric sex, and tantric massage. She is the editor at Karma Tantric, London’s premier tantric massage agency and writes about how tantra can help men, women, and couples improve their sex lives.

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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