
Belfer Family Donates $20 Million To Fuel Neurodegeneration Research at MD Anderson


The Belfer family recently donated $20 million to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to continue their support of neurodegeneration research through the existing Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium. This multi-institutional consortium has worked together since 2012 to advance the study and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related neurodegenerative disorders.

“We want to help aging adults lead better, longer lives,” said Laurence Belfer, CEO of Belfer Management. “My family strongly believes in the work being done at MD Anderson through the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium to help those with Alzheimer’s and dementia. We are proud to put our name behind this collaborative effort that will impact generations to come.”

The $20 million commitment brings the Belfer family’s total giving to MD Anderson to $53.5 million over 10 years. Their latest gift will be matched through institutional philanthropic efforts, providing an additional $20 million to expand neurodegeneration and age-associated disease research at the renowned cancer center.

“Transformative gifts like this have the power to achieve more than we could have ever imagined,” said Peter WT Pisters, M.D., president of MD Anderson. “We are grateful to the Belfer family for their forward-thinking vision and renewed investment in the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium. Their generosity has and will continue to impact countless lives.”

Collaborative Efforts To Transform Patient Care

“Since the consortium was formed, we have made tremendous progress in understanding the molecular and genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases and translating those findings into effective targeted drugs and diagnostics for patients,” said Jim Ray, Ph.D., executive director of the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium. “Yet, we still have more work to do.”

The BNDC aims to develop five new medicines for Alzheimer’s and related disorders over the next decade, with two treatments demonstrating clinical efficacy. Its research focuses on introducing neuroprotective agents, addressing genetic risk factors, lessening inflammation, and combating toxic proteins that cause brain plaques.

The Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium, in a powerful collaboration with MIT, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Baylor College of Medicine, MD Anderson and other esteemed institutions, is poised to revolutionize neurodegeneration research. By harnessing MD Anderson’s unparalleled patient proximity and clinical and research proficiency, the consortium is driving the development of effective new therapies in unique ways.

“This truly collaborative enterprise brings together some of the field’s most creative scientific minds and the formidable capabilities of three major academic institutions,” said Ronald DePinho, M.D., former president of MD Anderson. “It’s a unique group of investigators focused on understanding one of the greatest challenges facing humanity in this century.

“The Alzheimer’s field has largely focused on one major theory, the so-called amyloid hypothesis (i.e., the accumulation of amyloid beta-peptide in the brain as a primary influence in the neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer’s), but recent work points to several other factors that conspire to impair brain health. This group will ‘hit the reset button,’ employing innovative thinking and advanced technologies.

“The knowledge of cancer, for example, has advanced rapidly because we’ve taken advantage of diverse disease model systems, powerful genomic and computational platforms, and genetics. It will be a privilege to work with this gifted group.”

The BNDC conducts research that may also benefit cancer patients. Cancer shares biological similarities with neurodegenerative diseases, and certain cancer treatments are known to cause neural and cognitive impairments. For instance, the consortium has observed that cancer and Alzheimer’s patients exhibit similar inflammatory responses and protein activations that can lead to cognitive impairments.

Belfer Family Honored

In honor of their continued patronage, MD Anderson has renamed its 208,000-square-foot South Campus Research Building 4 as The Robert A. and Renée E. Belfer Research Building.

This facility is crucial as it houses the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium and MD Anderson’s Therapeutic Discovery division, supporting vital departments such as experimental therapeutics, cancer biology, genomic medicine, and surgical oncology research.

“We want to turn research findings into effective targeted drugs and diagnostics for patients while ensuring quality of life and helping with the financial challenges of treating and living with Alzheimer’s and other aging diseases,” said Robert A. Belfer at the time of the BNDC’s founding in 2012. “My hope is that this will be a meaningful, much-needed step in finding solutions to this urgent national problem.”

Ray noted, “Our goal is ambitious, but having access to the vast clinical trial expertise at MD Anderson ensures our therapeutics can improve the lives of patients everywhere. The key elements for success are in place: a powerful research model, a winning collaborative team, and a robust translational pipeline, all in the right place at the right time.”

As the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium continues to grow and innovate, its impact on improving patient outcomes and expanding the possibilities of medical science is undeniable. This strategic fusion of philanthropy, research, and clinical expertise positions the consortium to continue making substantial strides in the medical field, influencing future generations.

Leading the Way in Comprehensive Cancer Treatment and Research

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, located in Houston, is a globally recognized leader in cancer care, research, and education. MD Anderson was founded in 1941 as a part of the University of Texas system. It is dedicated to eliminating cancer in Texas, the nation, and the world through outstanding programs integrating patient care, research, and prevention.

MD Anderson has consistently been ranked among the nation’s top hospitals for cancer care by U.S. News & World Report. It’s renowned for its commitment to innovative cancer treatment, research, and education. The center employs a comprehensive approach to cancer care, providing patients with cutting-edge treatment options through its numerous clinical trials and specialized clinics. The hospital’s mission extends beyond treatment to include a robust focus on cancer prevention and education, aiming to reduce cancer rates and improve the community’s health.

As a leader in cancer care, MD Anderson also strongly emphasizes education and training the next generation of cancer researchers and clinicians through its top-tier academic programs and residencies. Through its efforts, MD Anderson fights cancer and fosters a culture of excellence and hope, influencing the field of oncology worldwide.

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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