
10 Best Escape Room Board Games for an Exciting Experience

Escape room board games are an excellent way to bring the thrilling experience of escape rooms to the comfort of your home. These games challenge players to work together, solve puzzles, and crack codes to escape within a set time limit. The best escape room board games offer a variety of themes, difficulty levels, and unique gameplay mechanics that cater to different preferences and age groups. In this article, we have compiled a list of the top 10 best escape room board games that you can enjoy with friends and family.

1. Exit: The Game Series

Exit: The Game is a renowned series of escape room board games that offer players an immersive and challenging experience. Each game in the series presents a unique theme and a set of puzzles that range from simple to brain-bendingly tricky. Some stand-out titles in the series include “The Abandoned Cabin” and “Dead Man on the Orient Express.” Each game comes with a multi-ring decoder wheel, colorful cards, and various other components to aid in puzzle-solving.

Notable Features:

  • Wide variety of themes
  • Engaging puzzles and code-breaking mechanics
  • Easy to follow rules and guidelines

Recommended Age: 12 years and up

2. Unlock! Series

Unlock! is another popular series of escape room games known for its visually appealing and fanciful designs. The games in the Unlock! series challenge players to explore illustrated rooms, solve puzzles, and crack codes using a combination of cards and a companion app. Some excellent titles in the series include “Timeless Adventures,” “The Tonipal’s Treasure,” and “The Adventurers of Oz.” Each game provides an engaging and exciting experience for players of all ages.

Notable Features:

  • Colorful and whimsical themes
  • Card-based gameplay with companion app
  • Multiple scenarios in each box

Recommended Age: 10 years and up

3. Escape Room: The Game

Escape Room: The Game is a classic entry-level escape room experience that comes with a large, panic-inducing Chrono Decoder, which is used to solve puzzles and track time. The game includes four separate scenarios: Prison Break, Virus, Nuclear Countdown, and Temple of the Aztec. With a mix of paper and cardboard props, players can work on different elements simultaneously, making it perfect for larger groups.

Notable Features:

  • Unique Chrono Decoder mechanism
  • Four separate scenarios in each box
  • Suitable for larger groups

Recommended Age: 16 years and up

4. Deckscape Series

Deckscape is a simple yet engaging escape room game series that uses a single deck of cards to present a linear adventure filled with puzzles. Titles such as “Escape From Alcatraz” and “Test Time” offer a mix of word and image associations, ciphers, hidden shapes, and symbols. Deckscape games are perfect for smaller groups or solo players looking for a quick and challenging escape room experience.

Notable Features:

  • Budget-friendly and portable
  • Linear adventure with a mix of puzzles
  • Suitable for smaller groups and solo play

Recommended Age: 12 years and up

5. Escape Tales Series

The Escape Tales series is a unique blend of escape room gameplay and narrative-driven adventures. Players navigate a branching plot, solving puzzles and uncovering a dark, supernatural mystery. With no time limit and a focus on storytelling, the Escape Tales series offers a more immersive and in-depth experience compared to other escape room games. The game “The Awakening” is a great starting point, followed by other titles like “Low Memory” and “Children of Wyrmwoods.”

Notable Features:

  • Strong narrative focus
  • Branching plot and player choices
  • Dark themes and immersive gameplay

Recommended Age: 16 years and up

6. Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion

Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion is a perfect example of integrating a popular franchise with escape room gameplay. Using the Coded Chronicles system, each member of the Mystery Inc. gang has a unique interactive ability to explore and discover details in the environment. Players must work together to solve puzzles and escape the haunted mansion. This game is suitable for a wide range of age groups and offers a fun, family-friendly experience.

Notable Features:

  • Based on the popular Scooby-Doo franchise
  • Unique character abilities and interactive gameplay
  • Family-friendly challenge and theme

Recommended Age: 12 years and up

7. Crime Zoom Series

Crime Zoom is a unique escape room game series that combines the thrill of escape rooms with the intrigue of crime-solving mysteries. Players are dropped into a scene created by laying out a variety of different cards to form a single image. By flipping cards and drawing new ones from the deck, players progress through the investigation, uncovering clues and suspects. The Crime Zoom series offers a fresh take on escape room games with an emphasis on observation and deduction.

Notable Features:

  • Crime-solving and observation-based puzzles
  • Unique card-based gameplay
  • Engaging and immersive mystery themes

Recommended Age: 12 years and up

8. Escape the Room: Mystery at the Stargazer’s Manor

Escape the Room: Mystery at the Stargazer’s Manor is a classic escape room board game that takes players on a mysterious adventure in an abandoned manor house. Using a decoder wheel, players work through a series of puzzles and challenges to uncover the truth behind the manor’s strange events. This game is perfect for beginners looking to get started with escape room board games and offers a family-friendly experience.

Notable Features:

  • Classic escape room theme and setting
  • Decoder wheel and various components for puzzle-solving
  • Family-friendly and accessible gameplay

Recommended Age: 10 years and up

9. Echoes Series

Echoes is a new entry in the escape room genre that focuses on audio clues and challenges. Players must arrange a series of sound vignettes in the correct order to solve the mystery. Though relatively simple, Echoes offers a unique and engaging experience that tests players’ listening skills and perception. The series currently features three cases to explore, each providing a different audio-based challenge.

Notable Features:

  • Audio-based escape room gameplay
  • Unique listening and perception challenges
  • Three different cases to explore

Recommended Age: 14 years and up

10. Amelia’s Secret

Amelia’s Secret is an upcoming escape room game that utilizes augmented reality to create a spooky and immersive experience. Players use large trigger cards and a tablet to explore a haunted mansion, solving puzzles and uncovering secrets along the way. With a mix of augmented reality, physical components, and engaging narrative, Amelia’s Secret promises to be a thrilling addition to the escape room board game genre.

Notable Features:

  • Augmented reality gameplay
  • Immersive haunted mansion setting
  • Engaging narrative and puzzles

Recommended Age: TBA


Escape room board games offer a fantastic way to enjoy the thrill of escape rooms with friends and family in the comfort of your home. The best escape room board games cater to a variety of preferences, age groups, and difficulty levels. Whether you prefer classic escape room themes, narrative-driven adventures, or innovative gameplay mechanics, there’s a game on this list that’s sure to provide hours of entertainment and challenge. So gather your team, put on your thinking caps, and get ready to embark on a thrilling escape room board game adventure!

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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