
Home Improvement Plans

We’re about to settle down for the winter, which means many of us are turning our minds to home improvement plans. As the weather grows harsher and the temperatures begin to creep towards freezing, most of us will begin to spend more and more time inside our homes rather than out and about. So, it’s not all too surprising that you’re going to want to make your home a little safe haven. Somewhere you can feel comfortable. Somewhere you’ll be proud to host family and friends. But what steps can you take to achieve this? The options are endless, so here are just a few that might tick your boxes.


Start your home improvement journey with some decluttering. Over the course of the year, all of us are guilty of bringing home or buying items that we simply don’t really want or need. So, take some time to go through your belongings and sort them into piles of items you use and want to keep and items that you don’t really like or have any use for. The second pile should be sold (online auction sites like eBay or platforms like Etsy are good for this), donated (charity shops take most items) or recycled. Avoid throwing working and usable items in the rubbish. This will clear up space in your home and make it feel more comfortable. For items that you want to keep, but don’t know where to put, invest in storage solutions. Whether you choose a bookcase with drawers from Tylko or an underbed storage solution, you’ll thank yourself later.

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning is the next step to take into consideration. While we all carry out chores on a regular basis to keep our homes clean and presentable, there are some tasks (often those that don’t require to be looked at as often) that become completely forgotten. Tackle these now. You can use carpet cleaning machines to really wash and lift dirt from your carpet pile. You can use oven cleaners to clean your oven (just make sure to follow instructions on the packet and wear protective gear). You can really scrub the toilet. Dust the hard to reach areas and corners. Pull sofas and other large furnitures around the room in order to be able to sweep and mop or vacuum under them.


Walls begin to dull and fade with time. Alternatively, you may have mucky kids or pets who have splattered food, dirt, drinks and other mess up the walls, resulting in stains. Every now and then you will find that you need to repaint your walls. This can be a different colour for a different look and feel in your home, or you could stick with a fresh layer of the existing colour. Painting yourself is relatively simple – just make sure to cover anything that you don’t want splattered with flecks of paint. Alternatively, if you have hard to reach areas or want a particularly professional finish, call in a painter and decorator who can lift the hard work from your shoulders.

Hopefully, some of the tips and tricks above will kickstart your journey towards an improved home for the winter months ahead!

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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