
Organizations Can Keep Their Data Secure in a Remote Work Setting – Here’s How

In the wake of so many high-profile data breaches, it’s no wonder that businesses are increasingly reluctant to allow employees to work remotely. After all, if hackers can get into large corporations, there is a  greater chance they can get into smaller businesses as well. And as more and more employees are switching to working remotely, the chances of a data breach only increase, as in this case, there are more potential entry points for hackers.

Luckily, there are several ways to keep data secure in a remote work setting, and with the right precautions in place, your business can enjoy all the benefits of a remote workforce without compromising its security. Here are seven effective solutions:

Use a Reputable Remote Access Software

When it comes to working remotely, security is of the utmost importance. If you’re using remote access software to connect to your work computer, it’s important to make sure that the software is reputable and reliable. Some of the best solutions on the market will also offer customizes security features to further protect your data, which means employees can work from anywhere with remote access software without worrying about the security of their data. For instance, some remote software solutions include bank-grade encryption to ensure that data is secure during transmission while others will automatically lock the computer when the user is away from it.

With the right software in place, you can give employees the flexibility they need to work from anywhere without compromising security. However, before you choose remote access software, be sure to do your research to ensure that it’s the best fit for your business and its needs.

Create Strong Passwords

When you’re working remotely, it’s important to create strong passwords for all of your accounts, including your email, work computer, and any other online accounts you may have. A strong password should be at least eight characters long and should include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using easily guessed words or personal information in your passwords. If you’re having trouble coming up with a strong password, consider using a password manager to generate and keep track of them for you.

Additionally, you may consider implementing two-factor authentication for your accounts. This security measure requires you to enter a code, which is usually sent to your mobile phone, in addition to your password when logging in. This makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your account even if they have your password.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN is a must for anyone working remotely. A VPN encrypts your internet connection, which makes it more difficult for hackers to intercept your data. This is done by creating a secure, private tunnel between your computer and the VPN server. When you’re connected to a VPN, all of your internet traffic is routed through this secure tunnel, making it much more difficult for hackers to gain access to your data. Additionally, a VPN can also help to disguise your location, which can be especially helpful if you’re working from a coffee shop or other public Wi-Fi hotspot.

When choosing a VPN, be sure to select one that offers military-grade encryption and doesn’t keep logs of user activity. And, if you’re using a VPN on a public Wi-Fi network, be sure to connect to a secure server to further protect your data.

Keep Your Software Updated

One of the best ways to keep your data secure is to make sure that all of your software is up to date. This includes your operating system, web browser, security software, and any other programs you have installed on your computer. While it may be tempting to put off these updates, it’s important to remember that they often include important security patches that can help protect your data from being compromised.

Additionally, when new versions of the software are released, they often include new features and performance improvements that can make your work easier and more efficient. So, even if you’re not worried about the security implications of an outdated program, it’s still a good idea to update to the latest version.

Educate Employees on Security Procedures

One of the best ways to keep your data secure is to educate your employees on security procedures. This includes teaching them how to create strong passwords, use a VPN, and keep their software up to date. Additionally, it’s important to remind employees not to click on links or attachments from unknown senders and to be cautious when sharing personal information online.

You can provide this education in many ways, including sending out regular security reminders, hosting training sessions, or creating an employee handbook that covers essential security procedures. You may also hire a security consultant to assess your company’s security procedures and make recommendations for improvement.  By taking the time to educate your employees on good security practices, you can help to ensure that your data is better protected.

Use Cloud Storage and Backup

Cloud storage is a great way to keep your data secure, as it allows you to store your files off-site in a secure location. This can be especially helpful if your computer is lost or stolen, as you’ll still have access to your data. Additionally, cloud storage can be used to share files with employees or clients who are working remotely.

When choosing a cloud storage provider, be sure to select one that offers robust security features, such as encryption and two-factor authentication. Additionally, you should regularly back up your data to an external hard drive or another storage device in case of loss or damage.

Hire a Security Consultant

If you’re concerned about the security of your data, you may want to hire a security consultant to assess your current procedures and make recommendations for improvement. A security consultant can help you to identify potential security risks and develop solutions to mitigate these risks. Additionally, a security consultant can provide training for your employees on how to best protect your data.

By taking the time to secure your data, you can help to ensure that your business is protected from loss or damage. While there are many different ways to secure your data, these seven solutions are a great place to start. By implementing these solutions, you can help to keep your data safe and secure, even when working remotely.

Use Cloud Storage

If you’re not already using cloud storage, now is the time to start. Cloud storage is a great way to keep your data secure, as it allows you to store your files off-site in a secure location. This can be especially helpful if your computer is lost or stolen, as you’ll still have access to your data. Additionally, cloud storage can be used to share files with employees or clients who are working remotely.

When choosing a cloud storage provider, be sure to select one that offers robust security features, such as encryption and two-factor authentication. Additionally, you should regularly back up your data to an external hard drive or another storage device in case of loss or damage.

By taking the time to secure your data, you can help to ensure that your business is protected from loss or damage. While there are many different ways to secure your data, these six solutions are a great place to start. By implementing these solutions, you can continue working remotely without having to worry about the security of your data ever again.

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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