
Rick Perry Claims Trump Is The Chosen One

The national debt just topped $23 trillion. The budget deficit added $1 trillion to that debt this year. Trump’s border wall fetish and his quest to stop immigrants from entering the U.S. take some blame for the debt increase. And Trump’s 2017 tax cut will add billions to the national debt over the next four years.

Betsy DeVos is up against a legal wall for continuing to collect student loan payments from students who got a pass from a federal judge earlier in the year. The Education Department will have to pay a $100,000 fine and DeVos gets another bad grade on her failing education report card. Betsy is also in the process of making it harder for students who experience a sexual attack on campus to get justice after going through a vicious and life-changing attack.

Congress might get a chance to talk to former White House attorney Don McGahn now that a judge told Trump’s lawyers their case was all fiction. The Justice Department plans to appeal Judge Jackson’s ruling. Several news reports claim that case might be another Trump-induced Supreme Court case.

The Supreme Court gave Trump lawyers until December 5th to explain why they should get involved in the case that would require Trump to release his financial information to Congress. If SCOTUS decides to hear the case a ruling would come next June.

Mr. Trump keeps saying a phase one trade deal will happen soon, but the Chinese want the president to take the December tariffs off the table first. The Chinese will do a better job of policing intellectual property thief and they promised to open their markets to more foreign investment. But that might not be enough for Trump. Wall Street economists don’t think a phase one trade deal will happen this year, but the president claims a deal is just days away.

According to New York Federal Reserve researchers, Americans paid $40 billion in tariff taxes since Trump started his tariff wars. Mr. Trump claims China pays the tariffs. But according to researchers, Trump’s tariffs add 25 percent to the cost of Americans pay for most Chinese products.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry told the press Mr. Trump is God’s chosen one. The Trumpster is a political gift from God, according to Rick. Rick likes to mix his evangelical beliefs with politics. And he also isn’t afraid to lie to protect the president. Perry is in over his head in the Zelensky caper. But he denies he knew the Chosen One wanted to screw Zelensky.

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.