
The Most Harmful Cyber Security Breaches to Watch Out For

It doesn’t matter if you are an individual person, a business, or a government agency, cyber security has become a mainstay of everyday life. The amount of cyber-attacks, risks, and threats that are common these days are many. Whether you are trying to prevent identity theft or fix loopholes hackers can use to get into your network, it’s vital to be aware of the risks. Cyber security is a delicate balance. In order to bolster your protection against these threats, consider utilizing a VPN application; this tool encrypts your data and disguises your online identity, providing an extra layer of security and making it more difficult for potential hackers to breach your network. Below are some of the most harmful cyber security breaches you should watch out for and ways to learn more about protecting yourself from them.


One of the most harmful cyber-attacks is malware. Malware breaches come in many forms. They are tricky because they aren’t uniform. Malware is any software that was designed to cause harm. Whether it’s to install a virus, release a worm, or download ransomware, a malware breach can be very malicious. One of the best things you can do to prevent malware breaches is to use anti-malware software and a firewall. Your information technology (IT) team should also be looking out for loopholes in the network that can be closed.


Worms can be released through malware and other means. One of the most dangerous parts of worms is that they may not be easily detectable. Worms can travel through your computer and network to find information without you ever knowing it is doing so. It could work before you discover that a worm was looking around your devices and network. This tactic is a great way to steal your identity or the identity of one of your employees. When you are dealing with sensitive information, working hard to prevent worms from getting on your network and stopping them from finding information when they’re on it is key.


Ransomware is opposite to worms in the way that it makes itself known immediately. When ransomware is downloaded, it takes control of the device. Then, it moves onto the network where it gains control of other devices. The program won’t release the devices or access to the network until a ransom is paid.

Still, you don’t know for sure if the attackers will release the devices when you pay the ransom. It’s a difficult situation. Using anti-ransomware is a good start, but it’s always necessary to be careful what you are clicking on. If you run a business, you should be making sure to train your employees on cyber security and caution when they encounter something they’re not familiar with.


Viruses can be quite harmful. They vary quite a bit so it’s difficult to be prepared for every type of virus. Some are quiet and others let you know they’re there. A virus breach can cause a lot of trouble, especially if your IT team doesn’t detect it for a while. Viruses have many different purposes.

Whether it was designed to delete your data or infect your network so hackers can gain access to information, viruses are one of the most infamous and damaging cyber breaches out there. Anti-virus is instrumental, but it may not stop every virus from causing damage to your computer, other devices, the network, and digital infrastructure. An effective IT team is necessary to prevent virus attacks.

Social Engineering

Finally, a newer form of security breaches comes in the form of something called social engineering. This is when a person uses their skills and knowledge to trick another person into revealing passwords or other sensitive information. They might claim that they are from IT or another trusted partner. Whatever charm or tricks they use; social engineering refers to human error. You should never trust anyone you don’t know with information that can be exploited.

These cyber breaches are just the beginning. There are plenty of new ways that people are attacking companies, individuals, government agencies, and more. Whether it’s through a phishing email that installs a virus, a worm, or malware, or through social engineering tricks, there are plenty of methods for attackers to get what they want.

Whether the goal is to steal your identity or to cause harm to a business, there are all kinds of threats that breaches cause. Knowing how to prepare for them and what to do when they occur are essential. Whoever you are and whatever you do, there are a lot of reasons to protect yourself from cyber-attacks.

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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