
What You Need To Know About Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

If you’ve noticed lately that your joints are stiff and sore, or if you’ve noticed a change in the way you move – it might be arthritis. It is estimated that about one in five people will develop some form of arthritis during their lifetime. Arthritis can strike anyone at any time, but it usually starts to show up when people enter their fourth decade. This article will explore the various types of arthritis there are as well as treatments available for them!

1. What is arthritis and what are the different types of it

Arthritis is an inflammatory problem with one or more joints or extremities. It causes swelling around the joints and can make it difficult to perform various tasks. In some cases, morning stiffness is experienced – this is when joint supports, like knee support for arthritis, are needed. It is commonly associated with middle-aged adults and may result from inflammation of the joint lining (synovium) caused by problems in the immune system, joint injury, previous joint infection, etc.

Arthritis is also divided up into different types: inflammatory and noninflammatory. Inflammatory arthritis can occur when body tissue gets attacked by an autoimmune response, which is when your immune system starts destroying healthy cells by mistake. The most common type of this is Rheumatoid Arthritis, but it can also be triggered by other conditions such as an infection or a virus. Non-inflammatory arthritis accounts for the majority of arthritis cases and there are various types to know about including Osteoarthritis, Juvenile Arthritis (mentioned above), Psoriatic Arthritis, and more.

2. Symptoms of arthritis

There are many symptoms of arthritis, but they’re different for each type. For example, the more common Osteoarthritis does not cause pain and has no specific symptoms. It can happen to anyone and is more likely as we get older: it’s the most common type of arthritis in people over age 45. Rheumatoid Arthritis can be painful and also has other symptoms that include warmth around the affected area, fatigue, numbness, and more. Juvenile Arthritis is another form of arthritis that mostly affects kids under 16 years old. It can cause severe pain as well as fever, weight loss, and more, and requires professional help.

3. Causes of arthritis

The causes of arthritis are not well understood. The leading theories suggest that arthritis is caused by an immune system malfunction or an infection. The disease may also be hereditary or caused by certain occupations or injuries. One of the most well-studied causes is in relation to rheumatoid arthritis and genetics. Scientists in the 1980s found that in families with a history of RA, there were specific genes that could be implicated in cases of RA, and this was proposed as a cause for the disease. It’s believed that people who have a genetic predisposition to developing rheumatoid arthritis will get it when they get older – primarily after 45 years old – as their bodies’ immune systems begin to fail. These genes have been linked with other autoimmune diseases such as lupus or Sjogren Syndrome, so it’s possible that some people who have a family history of rheumatoid arthritis may have a genetic predisposition to developing other autoimmune conditions as well.

4. How to treat various forms of arthritis

Treatment options will depend on the type and severity of arthritis that you have. For some types, like osteoarthritis, treatment may include weight loss and exercise to reduce stress on joints. Other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may need treatments that are more intensive, such as medications or physical therapy.

In order to best treat arthritis, it’s important that you learn about it and understand your treatment options, as well as the possible side effects of those treatments. Easing the joint pain caused by arthritis may be accomplished through a combination of medication and home remedies. Talk with your doctor about ways to safely treat your symptoms at home. If some methods are helpful, there is little risk in trying them out, but do consult your doctor. Many pain relievers used for arthritis are similar to those used for treating headaches and muscle aches. Your doctor may also prescribe stronger drugs, such as narcotic pain relievers. Be aware that certain actions can trigger your symptoms. Pay attention to what’s causing the problem and try to avoid it or at least do something to ease the symptoms when they occur. Understanding which activities aggravate your arthritis is a good first step towards managing flare-ups.

5. How to prevent/manage symptoms with lifestyle changes

Some of the most common ways to prevent or manage symptoms are through lifestyle changes. One of the most important ones is sleep. Although you may not be able to cure arthritis, there are some things you can do to make it less painful and impactful. Making physical activity part of your daily routine can also help with symptoms, as can modifying your diet by cutting out foods that trigger inflammation. However, if you begin to feel pain in areas you never have before or the pain is intense, see a doctor immediately. Some of these symptoms could be an indicator of a more serious condition.

If you’re suffering from arthritis and want to find relief, speak with a doctor or health care professional. While we’ve provided some helpful tips on how lifestyle changes may help manage your symptoms, there are other methods for treating the disease. The most common ways of preventing or managing symptoms are through sleep modification and making exercise part of your daily routine. If any treatments don’t seem to be working, talk with your doctor about alternative treatment options before giving up hope completely!

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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