
Where is 1923 Filmed? Unveiling the Scenic Locations of the Series

The allure of the American West is brought to life in the television series “1923,” a prequel to the popular “Yellowstone” franchise. Created by Taylor Sheridan, “1923” takes audiences back in time to explore the origins and tribulations of the Dutton family.

The sweeping landscapes and rugged scenery depicted in the series are not just backdrops; they’re a visceral part of the story that immerses viewers into a bygone era.

Finding the perfect locations to film “1923” was crucial to authentically portray the early 20th-century setting while maintaining the visual and dramatic continuity with “Yellowstone.”

Fans of the franchise will recognize the historic Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby, Montana, which once again serves as the cornerstone for the Dutton family’s sprawling ranch. But “1923” extends far beyond Montana’s borders, bringing in locations from Namibia and Malta to represent the series’ diverse settings.

The show offers a visual feast that takes the Dutton legacy to international landscapes, all while keeping the storytelling rooted in the rugged spirit of the West. Let’s talk about where is 1923 filmed.

Key Takeaways

  • “1923” enriches the “Yellowstone” universe with an early Dutton family narrative
  • Authentic filming locations are pivotal to the series’ historical and visual storytelling
  • The production weaves in international settings to portray the prequel’s expansive scope

Creation and Development

Before we dive into the nostalgic world of “1923,” it’s crucial to understand how this piece of the “Yellowstone” puzzle came to be. From its conceptual roots to the magic touch of its creator, this section takes a closer look at the genesis of the series and the creative force behind it.

Show Origins and Timeline

“1923” is the second prequel to hit the screens after the success of “1883,” further expanding the Yellowstone universe. Developed for Paramount+, the show peels back the layers of the Dutton family’s past, laying bare the struggles of an earlier generation as they contend with the trials of the early 20th century.

In 1923, we meet Jacob Dutton and Cara Dutton. The latter is the matriarch of the Dutton family and Dutton ranch during prohibition. Her son John Dutton is the focal point in the Yellowstone television series.

This series is not an isolated story; it’s a continuation of a narrative that has captivated audiences, adding depth and history to the already complex and rugged tapestry of the “Yellowstone” legacy.

  • Development Timeline:
    • Initial Conceptualization: after “1883”
    • Series Announcement: February 2022
    • Filming Commences: August 2022
    • Release: December 2022

Influence of Taylor Sheridan

Taylor Sheridan is a name that resounds with fans of the modern Western genre; he’s the masterful storyteller who’s been steering the ship of the “Yellowstone” franchise. Sheridan, who has a penchant for gritty realism and grounded character development, breathed life into “1923,” instilling his unique vision into the script and production.

His influence on the show is palpable, shaping its direction and ensuring it carries the same emotional weight and authenticity that “Yellowstone” and “1883” are known for.

  • Contributions of Sheridan:
    • Creative Direction: Ensures authenticity
    • Writing: Crafts complex characters and storylines

Through Sheridan’s eyes, viewers don’t just watch a show; they are transported back in time to experience the raw and untamed life on the Dutton family ranch, setting the stage for what we’ve seen in “Yellowstone.” It’s his dedication to the craft that makes one look at the sprawling Montana landscapes and feel like they are right there with the Duttons, a testament to Sheridan’s intricate world-building.

Choosing the Scenery

When the production team set out to create the visual world of “1923,” they were tasked with not only finding locations that were geographically accurate but also those that would faithfully represent the time period of the early 20th century.

Influences on Filming Locations

The selection of filming locations for “1923” was heavily influenced by the desire to maintain authenticity. Montana played a significant role due to its vast landscapes and historical relevance to the narrative.

The state’s natural beauty and sprawling ranches provided the perfect backdrop for the Dutton Ranch, grounding the series in a realistic and relatable space. Production also expanded to international settings such as South Africa and Malta, which offered diverse landscapes and unique settings necessary for specific aspects of the story.

Visual effects were tactfully used to enhance locations when needed and to carefully blend scenes shot across the globe for a seamless visual experience.

Representation of the Era

Ensuring that the scenery accurately represented the era of the 1920s demanded meticulous selection and sometimes modification of sites.

Production teams chose Montana towns like Butte and Hamilton for their preserved historical features, which allowed viewers to step back in time. The inherent architecture and open landscapes aided in portraying the raw and challenging life of the early 20th century Montana.

Any modern aspects that might disrupt the illusion of the 1920s were skillfully masked or removed with visual effects, ensuring that each frame held true to the time period of “1923.”

Filming Locations in Detail

When one watches the rich tapestry of drama that is “1923,” they are also witnessing a mosaic of landscapes that range from the rugged American West to the expansive African savannah and the historic streets of Europe. Below is a closer look at the prominent and diverse locations that have lent their backdrop to the series.

Do you want to know more about where is 1923 filmed? Let’s explore each filming location of the TV show.

Highlights in Montana

Montana’s raw, untamed beauty is central to “1923,” most significantly Butte and Hamilton. The historical mining city of Butte, with its rich architectural treasury, acted as a canvas for the show, offering a taste of the old American frontier. Nearby, Hamilton provided that quintessential Western vibe with vast open spaces.

Anaconda, Whitehall, and Valier also played a role, each town adding its authentic touch, from Anaconda’s smokestack skyline to Whitehall’s rustic charm and Valier’s panoramic vistas. It’s the real, gritty essence of Montana that gives “1923” its credible atmosphere.

African Adventures

Venturing out of the States, “1923” traverses to Africa. Scenes set in the sprawling Serengeti National Park in Tanzania capture Africa’s heart-stopping beauty.

By showcasing the Serengeti’s wide-open spaces and clusters of wildlife, the series presents a visual feast that contrasts sharply with Montana’s mountainous scenes.

Although the searches mention generic African locations, the tapestry of settings like Kenya and the coastal town of Kalk Bay, often known for its cinematic allure, suggest a wide net cast across the African continent. Each location has been chosen for its ability to transport viewers across oceans – without ever leaving their couch.

European Flair

Europe’s historical palette complements the series with a touch of Old World grace. The majestic Fort Manoel in Malta stands as a testament to the series’ commitment to capturing historical detail.

Sicily and Verona, while not directly mentioned in the searches, carry the potential to provide that Mediterranean essence often sought in epic storytelling.

Locations such as Malta’s Fort Manoel give that glimpse into the past, with stone walls and weathered textures, bringing a different layer of storytelling that mingles with the rawness of Montana and the wilderness of Africa. Through the European scenes, “1923” paints a rich picture of an era long gone but vividly resurrected for the viewer’s imagination.

Portraying the Dutton Family Saga

Immersing viewers in the journey of the Dutton family’s early years, 1923 vividly brings to life their struggles and triumphs during a time of turmoil in American history.

The Duttons’ Deep Roots

The Dutton family, with Harrison Ford portraying the patriarch Jacob Dutton and Helen Mirren as his resilient wife, epitomize the essence of a tenacious Western lineage. They are the fictional ancestors of the characters that fans have come to know and love in Yellowstone.

Their homestead, a sprawling Montana ranch, backdrops their saga, highlighting a long-standing connection to the land that dates back to the late 19th century.

Revisiting Historical Context

The series does not shy away from the harsh realities of the 1920s, a period marked by Prohibition and the looming shadows of the Great Depression.

Jacob and Spencer Dutton, along with their family, traverse these challenging times with a grit characteristic of the era’s Western spirit.

These historical touchpoints offer viewers a glimpse into the socio-economic factors influencing the Duttons’ legacy during a transformative period in America.

Behind-the-Scenes Production Insights

Creating an authentic atmosphere for the “1923” series involved meticulous set design, careful selection of locations, and the magic of visual effects to transport viewers back in time to witness the evolution of the early 20th century.

Set Design and Locations

In “1923,” the set design played a crucial role in bringing the raw beauty of Montana and the historical context to life.

The Chief Joseph Ranch in Darby, Montana, serves as the heart of the Dutton family saga, showcasing buildings that speak volumes about the period’s architectural style.

But the production didn’t stop there. They expanded the set’s scope across a variety of Montana’s locales, including Bozeman, Pony, and Anaconda.

The production made use of structures like the Butte Civic Center, a multipurpose arena that became one of the show’s significant filming grounds. Inside, the crew constructed elaborate stage sets, allowing Butte to double as other environments needed for the series.

  • KMBF Radio Station: Representing the era’s mode of mass communication, this actual radio station adds a layer of historical accuracy to the TV series
  • Butte-Silver Bow Water Utility: Once a catholic boarding school, its structure provided the aged aesthetics required for certain scenes

Another spot, the Anaconda Rifle and Pistol Club, was repurposed to align with the show’s narrative, despite the 2022 historic drought affecting the region and posing challenges for the crew.

Materializing the Past through Effects

To complement the physical sets and locations, the “1923” production team incorporated visual effects to expand the world beyond what was captured on camera.

Visual effects allowed for the creation of vistas and terrains that no longer exist or would be otherwise impossible to film. This usage of technology was instrumental in portraying the Dutton family’s journey through the untouched landscapes of Montana’s past.

The show didn’t only focus on landscapes; effects were also used for detailed scene work, like aging certain areas, adding period-appropriate elements, or enhancing the realism of action sequences.

Banner Creighton (Brandon Sklenar) and Teonna Rainwater (Isabel May), along with the show’s other characters, inhabited a world both grounded and expansive, thanks to the clever interplay between actual locations and computer-generated imageries.

With a dedication to preserving authenticity, the production managed feats like:

  • Transporting viewers to the era: Accurate representations of 1920s buildings
  • Detail-oriented storytelling: Everything visible on-screen, from the Silver Dollar Soda bottles to the clothes of Julia Schlaepfer and Tim McGraw, contributes to the narrative’s credibility

Written by Alexander