
Who’s at Fault: Signs You Might Need a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer

Whether you are driving down the Hollywood Freeway, the I-405, or Mullholland Drive there is some chance that you will come across a car accident.

The reasons can vary, from distracted driving to DUI but the results are often the same, at the very best a few scratches on your vehicle and the very worst a fatality. Yet with over 54,000 accidents happening in Los Angeles alone in 2019 the chances of you having to deal with the consequences of one are high.

In that situation, rather than going it alone, the wisest step is to look for the services of a Los Angeles car accident lawyer. Want to know why?

If you have had an accident keep on reading, to learn what you stand to gain from booking an appointment.

You Are Having Liability Issues

Who to pin the blame on right after an accident is a common issue.

Due to adrenaline or the stress of an accident, some may be happy to take responsibility right there and then if the answer is obvious. However, regardless of whether someone hit you or you were the one who caused the impact, it is wise to contact an accident lawyer before doing or saying anything officially.

A Los Angeles car accident lawyer can look at the situation from a clear-headed legal perspective, which will always lead to a more favorable outcome for you. They will be able to guide you on what your next steps should be especially if there is some deadlock regarding who was at fault.

Even if you feel responsible, there is always a chance that it should be shared, something only an experienced accident attorney will be able to ascertain.

When Dealing With Insurance Companies

Another inevitable sign that you should get on the phone to a Los Angeles car accident lawyer is when dealing with insurance companies. These companies are meant to fight your corner, especially after spending years paying into a policy, right?

Well, while that should be the case, there is a reason that insurance companies make so much money. As a rule, they will not pay out anything unless they have to. This means that while they may give you some compensation, you may not get all the additional benefits that you are entitled to.

By having the best accident lawyer that you can have on your side you can feel comforted that they will truly look after your interests. They will challenge the decisions of your insurance company if they do not have a sound legal foundation, as well as make sure that you get the cover that you deserve.

If There Has Been a Serious Injury

The unfortunate reality of unexpected car accidents is that people often get injured. This may mean months being out of work as a result and expensive hospital costs.

Rather than shouldering the burden to find out where you can get help, an experienced car accident lawyer can fill you in with all you need to know. Even if you are deemed responsible, a car accident lawyer is a vital aid in letting you know how to go about supporting those who have to live with the ongoing consequences of an accident.

Count On a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer

New experiences are always better shared, even unwanted ones. Having a reliable representative that you can lean on in a time of distress is priceless, hence why it makes sense to get on the phone to a Los Angeles car accident lawyer if the circumstances arise.

Need to be filled in on any other area you are unsure of? You can be sure to find out the answer on our site, so be sure to check out our other content.

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.

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