
How to prepare for an exam well and fast?

Do you want to know some tips on studying better for an exam? If this is your case, stay and read this article because with the help of our tips you will be able to achieve it and pass all your subjects. Indeed, studying is not an easy task, but if you perfect your study methods, you will be able to achieve each and every one of your educational goals and objectives. Let’s get on with it!

Is it possible to study fast and well?

The ideal is to prepare the syllabus in advance and not leave studying for the last day, because if you do it this way, your mind will be more tired, and you will not perform at 100% during the exam. But if you ask if studying fast and well is possible, the answer is yes. When it comes to learning, everyone’s abilities and skills are different.

However, if you have little time to organize your study day, these tips for studying at home collected for you by the wow essay service can be of great help.

Key points to study well for an exam

Where should you start? To make learning easier, consider the following key points for planning your subjects and study time:

Make a mind map

If you have little time to prepare for your test, a mind map is the study tool you need. Use this technique to organize each concept in an outline where the main concept is the center and the complementary ideas related to this topic are placed around it. This will make it much easier to retain the facts and information and memorize the ideas.

Study out loud

This very effective study method will bring you great benefits the day before the exam. By reading aloud, you will be more attentive and focused on your words, avoiding thinking about other things. As a result, you will understand what you are studying better, and all that information will stay in your memory longer.

Identify key ideas and concepts

Don’t waste time writing long summaries. You need to create outline content that will help you memorize the information quickly. So get to work, find the keywords and ideas in each text, and underline them in a bright color, so you don’t lose sight of them. Make notes from them to organize and expand the information with the most relevant facts.

Explain the syllabus to someone

This point is key. If you want to make the most of your learning time, explain the exam syllabus to someone else, you can help a colleague or family member. It is also the best way to reinforce and understand the knowledge you have learned and know much more about the subject.

Avoid distractions

Study in a quiet place free of distractions. Elimination of distractions will improve and maintain your concentration. Hence, it is essential to find a unique and calm space for this. Don’t forget to switch off your mobile phone as well!

Combine different memorization techniques

Use different study methods to support you in the memorization process. You don’t have to choose only one of them, but you can combine them as you like. Generally, these techniques aim to motivate and stimulate the mind, including improving memory.

Here are some of the ones that can help you to boost your learning:

  • Concept lists. Concept lists are created to list relevant information within a text. They are valuable for the learner to review those concepts and ideas that they still do not understand. This technique is carried out in columns and can be complemented with many other notes.
  • Comparative tables. This visual study tool is used to compare different elements with each other by considering their similarities. This will enable the learner to structure the data in columns and rows to relate these components according to the chosen criteria.
  • Flashcards. Flashcards are cards that allow students to retain more information creatively. Choose a topic from a subject and write down the essential concepts linked to the syllabus. On one card, you should write down a question, and on the other, the keywords, pictures, or icons that suggest the answer.
  • Brainstorming. Brainstorming is a handy tool for teamwork or studies. All you have to do is start brainstorming ideas and opinions on a specific topic. Thanks to this creative technique, you will be able to memorize data more efficiently.
  • Outlines. Outlines are one of the most commonly used study methods, as they help you understand and study the course content in a simplified and reduced form.
  • Educational podcasts. Educational podcasts are not the most commonly used resources for studying, but they really are perfect when preparing for a subject exam. They disseminate a wealth of knowledge and tips for developing and retaining learning information.
  • Memorization through images. Images are one of the best and most effective ways to memorize the material. Therefore, if you are interested in using this method, you should know that it is known as mnemonics and consists of inventing a situation where images and key concepts are involved. In this way, it will be easier to associate and memorize certain information when visualizing these images.
  • Short summaries. You can also choose to do a very short written summary where you state the essential ideas of a text, interpreted in your own words or expressions.
  • Mock exams. Once you are clear on the theory, it is time to put what you have learned into practice. Do short tests with different questions. You can also lookup exam papers from previous years. This way, you will be able to check what knowledge you have acquired and where you need to revise a bit more. It will also help you reduce anxiety, nerves, and stress before the test.

Do a short review before the test

Finally, try to do a short, quick review, at least 2-3 hours before the exam. Don’t try to memorize more concepts. Follow these steps:

  • Read the outlines and mind maps
  • Review key concepts and ideas from the syllabus.
  • Express yourself out loud and recount in your own words what you have studied.

Get a good night’s sleep

Even if you study the day before, it’s essential to get a good night’s sleep so that your brain is at its best on the day of the exam. So, don’t stay up all night. You’ll only saturate your brain more!

Situations when studying fast and well is not possible at all

Let’s clarify that everyone has different learning abilities, so some people will need more time than others to understand and memorize the content. But we could say that it would not be advisable to study in a hurry the day before in certain circumstances.

Studying quickly and well is feasible when studying for a multiple-choice exam, although it would not be easy if the exam is on a full subject with more than six topics or if you do not know the subject in depth. Bear in mind that, to get positive marks for this type of exam, it is advisable to dedicate a minimum of 3 hours of study per day. Take breaks of 10 to 15 minutes for every hour to allow your brain to accumulate and process the information.

In short, is it advisable to study fast for an exam at all?

In our opinion, it is advisable to create a study routine to plan the hours you are going to dedicate to each subject. If you don’t organize yourself properly, you will have more stress and workload. In short, you can study fast for an exam, but you should bear in mind that planning is essential to improve performance school productivity and achieve the objectives set during the academic year.

Written by Eric

37-year-old who enjoys ferret racing, binge-watching boxed sets and praying. He is exciting and entertaining, but can also be very boring and a bit grumpy.